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Active Ingredient:Clostridium Botulinum Toxin Type A
Complex Size:900kDa
Appearance:White dried powder, when dissolved in physiological saline,it is clear and transparent solution
Moisture:Less than 3%
Expiration:36 months
Size : 100U
$52.00 USD



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Dermax: A trusted online supplier of Botulinum toxin type a, Dermal Fillers & Botulinum Products

 At Dermax, we take pride in being a trusted Botulinum toxin type a supplier, offering a wide range of pharmaceutical products, including botulinum products and dermal fillers. We work only with the best and highest quality branded products available in the world, and we are proud to offer some of the world-renowned medical and aesthetic brands such as hyaluronidase, Botulinum Toxin Type A, Sotorior®, Hyaluronic Acid Filler, Skin Booster, PDO Thread, Fat Dissolving, Needle & Cannula, Skin Whitening Injection, Numbing Creams. Whether you need to buy online or buy Hyaluronic Acid, you can trust us to provide you with only authentic and high-quality products.

How to buy Botulinum toxin type a in a bottle at Dermax?

You can safely purchase a botulinum toxin type a kit in one of the following ways:

By adding Botulinum toxin type a to your cart and submitting the order;
By contacting us via whatsapp at : +86 17730567046  or via email at devolux@dermaxmed.com
At Dermax online store, every registered customer can order high-quality Botulinum toxin type a online both retail and wholesale. Our store offers discounts to those who buy in large quantities. 

Why choose us?

Dermax was founded in 2003, our combination of focused innovation and commercial scale brings differentiated products to market that benefit patients, dermatologists and aesthetic practitioners. 

Our commitment to be confident is grounded in our 20-year heritage of leading with research and development. We highlight this commitment by constantly bringing cutting-edge technologies, products and services to market that will help us reach our ambition to become the leading aesthetic company in the world.

Dermax R&D organization is designed to drive efficiency and serve patients, dermatologists and aesthetic practitioners in the best possible way, by our deep scientific, clinical expertise and experience.

Our strong consumer basis and deep science foundation support our ongoing efforts to educate customers about a wide range of conditions and treatments. We are a partner of choice for academi around the world. This gives us access to complementary perspectives and a wide range of expertise and emerging technologies.

We maintain sustainable growth by focusing on premium solutions that are routinely used in procedures performed. We have a strong market presence in the facial treatment of wrinkles, as well as the correction of asymmetries, improving skin textures. We are developing additional offerings for liquid formulation of botulinum toxin type A, biostimulators.

We are continuously assessing strategic opportunities to supplement our pipeline with truly differentiated external assets and innovation.

Is It Safe to Buy Botulinum toxin Online?

One of the most reliable suppliers of botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, and other beauty products is the Dermax online store. While having several years of experience and numerous satisfied clients behind its shoulders, it offers:

A wide range of original cosmetic injectables (such as dermal fillers, mesotherapy products, and other preparations) from the best brands;
Affordable prices (including the best possible retail and wholesale prices for high-quality products on the market of aesthetic medicine);
Safe packaging and fast delivery across Canada, the USA, and numerous other countries all around the world.

How Does botulinum toxin type a Work?

Botulinum toxin type a blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can't contract. That makes wrinkles relax and soften.

Botulinum toxin type a is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye), and frown lines. Botulinum toxin type a won’t help with wrinkles caused by sun damage or gravity.

A combination of factors can cause facial lines. It’s not just about the cellular changes that may occur, or reduction of collagen, or damage caused by free radicals from the sun and the environment.

Repeated muscle contractions from frowning, squinting, or raising eyebrows cause skin to furrow and fold, gradually resulting in the formation of facial lines. Botulinum toxin type a Cosmetic works beneath the surface and temporarily reduces the underlying muscle activity that causes moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines in adults – to help them look better.

Can you smile with Botulinum Toxin type a?

Yes, provided the injections have been administered correctly you will still be able to smile as normal after having Botulinum toxin type a. The aim of good Botulinum toxin type a is to leave patients looking refreshed and rejuvenated. If too much Botulinum toxin type a is injected, or if it’s injected incorrectly, then this could leave your face looking ‘frozen’, which could restrict your ability to smile fully. Therefore, only ever have Botulinum toxin type a done with an experienced and qualified practitioner at a reputable clinic.

How Does Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic Work to Correct Wrinkles?

Botulinum Toxin Type A  is made from botulinum neurotoxin A, which is produced by cultured Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin Cosmetic inhibits acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction, stimulating localized paralysis.

This paralysis helps reduce the appearance of certain facial lines and wrinkles, as it causes the relief of tension on the skin from the underlying musculature. Its safety, effectiveness, and ease of use have made Botulinum toxin type a one of the most widely used cosmetic products on the market.

Who Can Benefit From Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic Injections?

As Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic injections have become immensely popular, they gained a broad and robust base of dedicated patients. The temporary duration of the injections’ effects means that satisfied patients become perennially returning customers, which allows for the rapid build-up of a thriving cosmetic practice.

Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic injections can be used in patients between 18 and 65 to treat upper facial rhytides, including forehead, lateral canthus, and glabellar lines and wrinkles. Loose skin and wrinkles brought on by the sun should be addressed with a different treatment.

When Do the Results of Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic Treatment Start to Fade?

Most patients experience relaxed wrinkles and smoother, younger-looking skin for about four months after their Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic treatment.

Still, the effects of injections can last up to six months. To maintain the desired results, patients should return three or four times a year for follow-up Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic injections.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A Cosmetic?

Like any injection procedure, a Botulinum toxin type a Cosmetic injection can cause ecchymosis or bleeding, pain, paresthesia, edema, or erythema at the injection site. Other Botulinum toxin Cosmetic side effects include headaches, local muscle weakness, nausea, and blepharoptosis.

The occurrence of adverse effects depends on the treatment location and the technique used. Rare adverse events from Botulinum toxin Cosmetic that have been reported include diplopia or blurred vision, dysphagia, respiratory distress, facial palsies, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, dry mouth, and hypersensitivity reactions.

The potential for adverse reactions is technique-dependent, so only properly qualified and experienced injection professionals should administer Botulinum toxin Cosmetic.

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